10 Causes of Skin Cancer
Dr Lisa Gilbert - 11/07/2022
1: Chronic sun exposure.
A lot of time spent in the sun (such as people with outdoor hobbies or outdoor workers) — or in commercial tanning beds — increases the risk of skin cancers. The threat is greater if you live in a sunny or high-altitude location, both of which expose you to more UV radiation. Severe sunburns also increase your risk.
2: Radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy to skin conditions or other cancers may increase the risk of skin cancer at previous treatment sites on the skin.
3: Fair skin.
The risk of skin cancer is higher among people who freckle or burn easily or who have very light skin, red or blond hair, or light-coloured eyes.
4: Increasing age.
Because some skin cancers often takes decades to develop, the majority of skin cancer occur in older adults. But it can also affect younger adults and is becoming more common in people in their 20s and 30s.
5: A personal or family history of skin cancer.
If you've had skin cancer before, you have a good chance of developing it again. If you have a family history of skin cancer, you may have an increased risk of developing certain skin cancers.
6: Immune-suppressing drugs.
Taking medications that suppress your immune system, such as anti-rejection drugs used after transplant surgery, significantly increases your risk of skin cancer.
7: Exposure to arsenic.
Arsenic, a toxic metal that's found widely in the environment, increases the risk of basal cell carcinoma and other cancers. Everyone has some arsenic exposure because it occurs naturally. But some people may have higher exposure if they drink contaminated well water or have a job that involves producing or using arsenic.
8: Inherited syndromes that cause skin cancer.
Certain rare genetic diseases can increase the risk of skin cancers including nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (Gorlin-Goltz syndrome) and xeroderma pigmentosum.
9: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection:
HPV infection is linked to certain skin cancers including Bowen's disease (especially on fingers and nails) and SCC in mucosal areas.
10: Smoking:
Has been shown to increase certain skin cancers especially SCC of the mouth,
Be Free with Vitamin B3
Dr. Lisa Gilbert 11/07/2022
Several recent studies have shown that added oral Vitamin B3 can assist in reducing skin cancers and sun damage in high risk patients.
Nicotinamide, also known as niacinamide, is a variant of vitamin B3. It’s found in dietary sources such as meat, fish, nuts, grains and mushrooms. It is the precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), essential for many physiological reactions that help cells obtain energy*.
In the landmark ONTRAC (“Oral Nicotinamide To Reduce Actinic Cancer”) clinical trial, the rate of non-melanoma skin cancers was 23% lower in the nicotinamide group than in the placebo group, after just 1 year. All the patients had been diagnosed with at least two non-melanoma skin cancers in the previous 5 years, which meant they were at a high risk of developing more cancers.
The number of precancerous lesions was also 13% lower among the people taking nicotinamide compared to those not taking nicotinamide.
The Australasian College of Cutaneous Oncology makes the following recommendation: Patients at high risk of skin cancer should consider consuming more of vitamin B3 rich foods per day or choosing a vitamin B3 supplement. Here are 13 foods that are good sources of B3 (Vitamin B3 is also called niacin or nicotinamide.) Salmon, Cottage Cheese, Chicken, Lean Beef, Lean Pork, Potato, Mushrooms, Avocado, Peanuts, Fresh Green Peas, Sunflower Seeds, Vegemite, Tuna.
Vitamin B3 is also available as a component in many multivitamin tablets. However, some multivitamins do not contain much B3. Check the label. Make sure your supplement has well over 100mg of B3 in it. The major studies published recently had patients taking 500mg-1000mg per day.
You can read more from the Cancer Council at https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/news/the-role-of-vitamin-b3-in-reducing-non-melanoma-skin-cancer/ or at The Conversation https://theconversation.com/vitamin-b3-niacinamide-and-reducing-skin-cancer-risk-what-does-the-research-say-177729
Original Peer Reviewed articles are found at : https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1506197#t=article